First Class: Intro to Medical and Health Humanities (MA Track)

VU University , Netherlands

Classes focus on major issues in healthcare today, and can include topics of specific interest to students in the class as well as those that are in the news. Exploring subjects such as addiction, sexual health, and mental illness,course readings and discussions will draw on a range of perspectives, including History, Mad Studies, Gender and […]

First Class: Knowing by Sensing (MA Track)

VU University , Netherlands

The senses offer scholars intriguing topics that transcend disciplinary, chronologic and geographic boundaries. But beyond this the senses are valuable methodological tools, that provide us with different types of knowledge than text and image alone can provide. In our digital and visually oriented age of social media and the internet, the senses and the body […]

Call for Proposals

Disability Heritage: Participatory and Transformative Engagement Key Issues in Heritage Studies, Routledge Call for Proposals, April 2024   Editors: Manon S. Parry, Professor of Medical and Nursing History at VU Amsterdam and Associate Professor of American Studies and Public History at the University of Amsterdam and Leni Van Goidsenhoven, Assistant Professor of Critical Disability Studies […]

Symposium Creative Care: Nursing and the Health Humanities (English)

Humanities Lab (Room F.001), Bushuis, UvA (NOTE LOCATION CHANGE!) Kloverniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The WRR report, “Choosing Sustainable Care: People, Resources and Social Support” shows that approximately one in seven employees in the Netherlands now works in healthcare, and in order to meet demand this should rise to one in three in the next forty years. As that is not sustainable, creative approaches are needed to rethink the […]

Symposium Creative Care (Nederlands)

Universiteitsbibliotheek Singel 425, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Een op de zeven Nederlanders werkt in de gezondheidszorg. Dit aantal zal de komende veertig jaar moeten verdubbelen om aan de zorgvraag van de toekomst te voldoen. Dit zou niet duurzaam zijn. In plaats daarvan zijn innovatieve en creatieve benaderingen van de zorg nodig. In het symposium Creative Care voor verzorgenden, verpleegkundigen, verpleegkundig specialisten en […]